Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Solo Turned Into A Song!

My Blues solo turned into a complete song this week! I started working on the solo with the goal of being able to play for the duration of the backing track, which is over three minutes in length. I started out playing licks that sounded good together a little at a time (BTW, I actually ended up using both box 4 and box 5 of the pentatonic scale in the key of E.). I continued building my solo this way, increasing the duration of it as I went along. I got to the point where it sounded like a complete solo, but the time it took to play was only one minute! As I played it over a few times, I realized that my 'solo' sounded more like the melody of a song instead of a solo. I started trying to think of lyrics that would fit my little tune/solo. I ended up working into the wee hours of the morning, writing lyrics down as I played little bits of my composition. I finally got through it, creating a pretty good song (IMHO)!

I have written lyrics to three songs in the past, but this is the first time I write the lyrics based on a tune that I came up with. Now I have to put it all together so it will sound good. I have to figure out how to sing it and where to emphasize the lyrics with different phrases (something that might be tougher for me, because I am not a singer!). Needless to say, it will be a while before I post my song here! Stay tuned!

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