Friday, May 21, 2010

After Electrics and Internet...

In my last post, I wrote about the resources I used when I first started learning to play the guitar. In this post, I decided to write about the resources I have used since I bought my first electric guitar. Shortly after buying my first electric (a Harmony Strat-style guitar), I was at a local grocery store looking at the magazine section, when I noticed a booklet-type magazine wrapped up along with a DVD. It was an instructional booklet and DVD from Guitar World Magazine. I bought it and put it in my DVD player when I got home. It was my first ever instructional video and a very good one at that. It was the 'How to Play Blues and Blues Rock Guitar' DVD, with Andy Aledort as the instructor. I still have the DVD, and I still use it. Andy Aledort is a great musician and instructor, and I highly recommend this DVD for anyone interested in learning to play the Blues.

Once I got a good internet connection, I started surfing the web for more guitar lessons. The following is a list of the instructors I have used. I am not including the links to their sites, but anyone interested in these instructors can access their sites using any search engine:

1. Mojo at ThreeChordGuitar

2. Justin Sandercoe at JustinGuitar

3. Josh Cho at CheapGuitarZine

4. Griff Hamlin at BluesGuitarUnleashed

5. Haywyre at LearnBluesLicks

6. Scott Grove at GroovyMusicLessons

All of these guys are excellent instructors. I suggest to anybody interested in learning to play to check out all of these instructors and choose the one (or ones) that they feel will meet their needs. I use all of them. As a side note, I did not list them in any order of preference. I listed them roughly as to when I discovered their sites on the web, with Mojo's site being the first one I started using, and Scott being my latest discovery. One other site that I use, and actually discovered before any of the ones above, is Betty Lou's Site for Guitar Underdogs. This site, unlike the ones above, provides hundreds of song lyrics along with the chord progressions used to play them. In addition to the lyrics and chord progressions, most of the songs on this site have a midi version that people can listen to.

There are so many instructional sites on the web that it is impossible to say there is a 'best' one out there. What might work for some people might not work for others. This post is just my way of pointing people in the direction that has worked for me, so rev up those search engines and have fun learning on-line!

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