Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Ukes and Wildkats

I couldn't let the year go by without posting at least once.  My posting activity reflects my time devoted to the guitar this year - which is very little, sad to say.  I guess my best excuse is "Life gets in the way".  I've been busy with other things, so my playing time has suffered.

I did manage to get some musical gear this past year.  A few years ago, I bought my son a pineapple ukulele for Christmas.  Late last year, he had it out and I started messing around with it.  I liked it so much, that I bought one for myself as my 2013 Christmas gift.  I found tons of instructional videos on YouTube, and off I went, into the wonderful world of ukes!  I liked my little pineapple uke so much, that for Father's Day, I bought a larger, tenor acoustic/electric ukulele!  The ukulele is a great little instrument, and I highly recommend it  for anyone, especially if you already play guitar.  I have found that playing the ukulele really helps me with my strumming.  The chords on a uke are super easy, compared to the guitar.  As a result, I can concentrate on my strumming and timing more instead of worrying about my chord positions - uke chords are that easy!

I didn't forget about the guitar, though!  As evident in this blog, I have all sorts of guitars, but I didn't have a guitar with P-90 pickups in it.  So for my birthday, I got myself one.  I was able to find a slightly used Epiphone Wildkat.  It's a beautiful and wonderful guitar!  It's a semi-hollow guitar with P-90 pickups and a Bigsby vibrato on it.  It's really fun to play - I just wish I had (or made) more time to play it!

Well, that's my post for this year.  Maybe this coming year will find me playing (and posting) more.  I wish everybody reading this a Happy New Year!