The lazy days of summer still have a hold on me! Since my last post, I haven't done anything new on the guitar, except rotate guitars again. This time, I am using my Epiphone Les Paul Custom. It is a 1995 made in Korea model that I bought almost a year ago through Craigslist. It is everything a Les Paul should be: a true Rock machine in every way!
I have been practicing my usual routine with my LP, just like I was practicing with my Epi Dot before I put it away. The main differences between the Dot and the LP physically are the size and weight. The Dot is a bigger bodied guitar, but because the Dot is semi-hollow, the LP is a lot heavier. The weight does not bother me because I usually play sitting down, but I do have to re-adjust to having a regular-sized guitar body on my lap as opposed to the bigger body of the Dot. As for the sound, I have always considered the LP to be on one end of the extreme in tone (with the Telecaster being at the other end). I consider all of my guitars to have what I call a 'middle of the road' tone, except for my LP and my Tele-style guitar. Because of this, I always end up tinkering with my effects devices more when I use my LP than when I use my other guitars (I haven't used effects with my Tele-style guitar yet).
Last night I spent some time playing my LP through my new Vox DA5 for the first time. I found that the DA5 settings I was using with my Jet King and my Dot had to be adjusted to work well with my LP, but that was to be expected. One thing for sure: The LP sounded great after I got everything adjusted! Now it's time to go play some more!